Sunday, September 11, 2005

Joshua Tree NP

We reached 29 Palms late at night after our Las Vegas adventure , and ate take out tacos in the middle of the desert, with shooting stars erupting overhead every five minutes and with a myriad of rustles and squeaks everywhere. Unfortunately, my knowledge of the D70 at that point of time did not allow me to photograph such things.

Dawn in the Desert - Mon, May 30, 2005

Vikram and I get up at an unearthly hour to catch the desert dawn Posted by Picasa

29 Palms sleeps Posted by Picasa

The brown hills on the horizon turn red first Posted by Picasa

Brand new day Posted by Picasa

Dawn catches the hills behind us Posted by Picasa

Dawn approaching Posted by Picasa

Barrel Cactus in the sun's first light Posted by Picasa

Shurjo-namoshkar Posted by Picasa

A clump of wildflowers light up Posted by Picasa

The picture perfect road snakes away Posted by Picasa

The shadows recede away from us Posted by Picasa

Snapping away Posted by Picasa

The early morning shadow Posted by Picasa

The sheer amount of wide open spaces can leave you bewildered Posted by Picasa

Ocotillo Posted by Picasa

A dead Cholla mirrors the landscape Posted by Picasa

Vikram in front of an Ocotillo bush Posted by Picasa

The daytrip into the NP

In front of the Super 8 Motel, where we spent the night Posted by Picasa

Straight as an arrow Posted by Picasa

It turned out that none of these interesting looking trees are Joshua Trees Posted by Picasa

All set Posted by Picasa

The cool windvane Posted by Picasa

A welcoming clump of creosote Posted by Picasa

Datura or Jimson Weed in bloom - it is still early morning - the Bengali "dhutra" Posted by Picasa

Our first Joshua tree, with creosotes around it and a scenic byway to boot. The roads inside the NP are AWESOME. Posted by Picasa